
Feature Requests

Do you have a great idea that would benefit the DropFunnels community? Submit a feature request below!

Feature requests are reviewed on a monthly basis and those that are implement will be announced via email.

2020 Changelog

Updates from 12/5 - 12/12/2020

Major Releases

  • Membership Import via CSV Files

    This will allow you to import up to 50 members from a CSV into any particular Access Level you would like.

  • Terms and Condition Checkbox on Checkout and Optin Modules

    If you'd like you customers to "Agree to Terms and Conditions", this functionality allows you do just that.

    To Implement:

    1. Scroll to the bottom of the General Tab on either Module and you'll notice a new option called "Accept Terms and Conditions".
    2. Simply set that option to "Show".

Minor Releases

  • Updates and fixes to BB caching functionality when domain change encountered for the site to avoid the design breaks and AJAX requests failures.
  • Checkout placeholder style issue fixes.
  • Upsell module style related issue fixes.
  • Updates & fixes for the video gallery module.
  • New quick links added to the admin bar.
  • Minor fixes to the PK IPN for some special cases.
  • Major fixes to the SSL functionality.

Updates from 11/28 - 12/4/2020

Minor Releases

  • Updates and fixes to split products functionality.
  • Updates and fixes to stats conversion calculations functionality.
  • Updates and fixes to global designs settings functionality.

Updates from 11/14 - 11/27/2020

Major Releases

  • Basic Memberships now have a Course Index page.

    This is functionality that has existed in the Advanced Memberships since the beginning and is long sought after in the Basic Memberships.

    To Implement:

    1. Go to your Basic Membership and Select the Products you would like to offer.
    2. Drag and drop them into the order you'd like them displayed.
    3. Finally, set the 'Show Product Selection' option to 'Yes'.

    See here:

Minor Releases

  • Added security code for Clickjacking vulnerability.
    • Fixed an issue where hackers could potentially hijack DropFunnels sites using an iFrame. We've undergone a thorough security audit and while no system is completely impervious to attack, we do have multiple safeguards in place to prevent any malicious activity.
  • Upgrade plan functionality major updates and bug fixes.
    • Big DropFunnels subscription changes are on the way.
  • Fixes to Order Summary design layout.
    • Bug fixes
  • Update the two-step checkout module heading text alignment.
    • Bug fixes
  • Fixed stripe product description limit exceeding issue.
    • Repaired a truncation issues that were preventing the initial creation of products who's description was too long.
  • Added message to share funnel login.
    • Simple messaging change.

Updates from 11/06 - 11/13/2020

Major Releases

  • Multiple products can now be selected on Checkout Module.

    Your customers can now have the option of choosing between multiple products at checkout.

    To Implement:

    1. Choose 'Multiple Products' in your Checkout Module settings.
    2. Select the Products you would like to offer.
    3. Drag and drop them into the order you'd like them displayed.
    4. Finally, set the 'Show Product Selection' option to 'Yes'.

    See here:

  • Multiple products in Membership Modules

    This is a long awaited update that gives you Unlimited Membership Access Levels for both your Basic and Advanced Memberships.

    To Implement:

    First, create the Membership Products in the Products area. Then, go into the individual Modules within your Membership:

    1. Click the Arrow to expand into the Module Settings
    2. Add your Membership Products to the Access Levels (uses text completion)
    3. Click Update.
Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 12.21.45 PM
  • Refresh icon on Funnels and Memberships.

    While we wouldn't normally list this is a "Major" update, it's a giant convenience for all of us. Say goodbye to having to upload images each time you change the page.

    To Implement:

    Simply click the Refresh Icon in the top right of the Funnel or Membership thumbnail.

Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 12.35.56 PM

Minor Releases

  • Added security code for Clickjacking vulnerability.
    • Fixed an issue where hackers could potentially hijack DropFunnels sites using an iFrame. We've undergone a thorough security audit and while no system is completely impervious to attack, we do have multiple safeguards in place to prevent any malicious activity.
  • Upgrade plan functionality major updates and bug fixes.
    • Big DropFunnels subscription changes are on the way.
  • Fixes to Order Summary design layout.
    • Bug fixes
  • Update the two-step checkout module heading text alignment.
    • Bug fixes
  • Fixed stripe product description limit exceeding issue.
    • Repaired a truncation issues that were preventing the initial creation of products who's description was too long.
  • Added message to share funnel login.
    • Simple messaging change.

Updates from 10/23- 10/30/2020

Major Releases

  • Coupon Code Functionality

    You can now add coupon codes to your products. Set a price or percentage off for a set period of time, or leave blank for ongoing.

Minor Releases

  • Movable Checkout Sections

    Rearrange sections of the checkout form (includes 2-step checkouts) and create a completely customizable experience for your visitor.

Updates from 10/16 - 10/23/2020

Major Releases

  • Authorize.NET Payment Integration

    Fully integrated with Authorize.NET. Includes payment processing for product sales, order bumps, recurring, and upsell/downsells.

  • Mobile Emulator Updated

    Resolved Javascript errors that was causing the mobile emulator view editor to display improperly.

Minor Releases

  • Refund Payment for Shipped Products

    Refund payment bug fixes for shipping enabled products.

  • Design Updates to Optin Module

    Minor design fixes for the optin module inside the editor.

Updates from 10/9 - 10/16/2020

Minor Releases

  • Plan Upgrade

    Plan upgrade functionality update and fixes.

  • Order Conflict

    Conflict caused due to funnel session functionality resolved.

  • Order Bump Design

    Order bump design conflict issues resolved.

Updates from 10/2 - 10/9/2020

Major Releases

  • Split Product Pricing

    Provide your visitors with multiple payment options.

Minor Releases

  • Custom Dropdown Field

    Added custom placeholder feature to the custom dropdown field inside the optin module.

  • Stripe Webhook

    Functionality changes and fixes.

  • Order Bump Arrow Display

    Updated checkbox and right arrow for order bump area on checkout modules.

Updates from 9/25 - 10/2/2020

Minor Releases

  • 'Mark Complete' Button Functionality

    You can now place the 'Mark Complete' button anywhere on the page for memberships.

  • Sales Module Error Message

    Updates to the sales module error messages system.

Updates from 9/18 - 9/25/2020

Major Releases

  • 'Name Your Price' Feature

    You can now collect donations or have your users name their own price for a product. See article here.

Minor Releases

  • Sales page optimization and UI/UX updates

    On the "sales" tab, users with large volumes of data have improved loading and search response.

  • Sendinblue email system setup and updates

    Switched to SendInBlue from Sendgrid to improve email deliverability

  • Stripe update to send the product info in purchase transaction of the Stripe

    Stripe purchases now send product data to properly mapped fields in Stripe.

  • DF plans UI updates on billing dashboard page

    Minor improvements to billing UI.

  • Webhook functionality updates for Paypal

    Paypal now sends full mapped fields for billing / shipping information via webhook.

Updates from 9/11 - 9/18/2020

Major Releases

  • Drip Content for Memberships

    You can now delay content for memberships on a per module basis (for basic memberships) or a per course basis (for advanced memberships)

  • UTM Parameter Tracking

    You can now pass UTM parameters and track conversions in your funnels, and search for conversions in your Sales tab and a per funnel basis.

Minor Releases

  • Test card updates

    On the "payment integration" tab, the test credit card details are now able to be copied and pasted.

  • Order Receipt Mobile Responsive Improvements

    General UI fixes

  • Webhook Improvements

    Shipping information now passes over webhooks for the upsell / downsell module. This is helpful for sending data to shipping or fulfillment systems when sold through an upsell or downsell.

  • General Bug fixes

    Traffic data and conversion data improvements

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