How To Craft An Irresistible Offer

Learn how to craft an irresistible offer, which helps you to free up more time, charge what you're worth, and ultimately be running the business that you want to be running.
If you're running any digital business right now, there are three primary categories that you'll be using online. Now these three categories will effectively determine how your business model works and how your offer is structured in the marketplace.
You might want to actually pivot from one offer style to another offer style, to either increase your prices or get you out of the business or to delegate to get you some more free time.
Whatever your goal is, this is going to be some really helpful frameworks to help you rethink your irresistible offer.

So...what is an irresistable offer?
Many business owners have no idea what their offer even is. For example, people who are in the weight loss space, their kind of hook is, "Hey, I'll help you lose weight." That's not an offer, that's kind of a promise. It's an end result, but your offer is how you present what you do and make that offer to allow people to...
Give you money...
In exchange for value.
1. DIY (Do it yourself) offer
So let's talk about these three different types and I'll tell you which one of these is my favorite.
Now the very first style of irresistible offer is a DIY or a Do It Yourself offer.
A DIY offer tends to be something like a course, they do it themselves.
Now, if you're in the health coaching space for example, this could be a course that they go through and they learn how to lose weight and they do that on their own.
A lot of course creators are in this space where effectively you're giving them information, knowledge, the how to, and they go off and do it on their own.
Now, we find that a lot of DIY offers can range anywhere from very low, something like $5 or $10 bucks, all the way up to about $2,000 is about the cap that you'll see on a DIY offer.
Now, why is this important?
Because traditionally people who are going to be doing it themselves, a lot of the risk is on them. It requires them to go out and do the work and to implement what you are providing, so it takes a lot of trust, a lot of risk reversal, in terms of guarantees and even refund protection to sustain that.
You're also going to be selling a lot more quantity in a DIY offer.
The beauty of a DIY offer?
You can sell it and it's not dependent on your time. You don't have to fulfill anything other than the basics of the business and maybe supporting people along the way.
2. Done with you offer
The second type of irresistible offer is a Done With You offer.
A Done With You offer combines elements of DIY and what our third business model type is which is, Done For You.
So traditionally with a Done With You offer, you might have, for example, a course that people go through over six weeks and it includes some private coaching on top.
This is a very powerful method because you can charge really high prices, but without all of the risk being on you to fulfill entirely.
It allows them to consume the information and the how to in some of that repeatable format of information gathering and learning.
But then there's the support, there's the accountability, there's the assistance that they might need along the path to help them to get where they want to go, that they ultimately need to have your time still set free from needing to do everything yourself.
3. Done for you offer
The third type of business model is a Done For You offer.
You can charge really high prices anywhere from $2,000 a month up to sometimes it's seven or even eight figures a year per client with a Done For You offer, depending on your business.
The pros of a Done For You offer is that you control it, you control the experience, they don't have to do much, and they can get incredible results.
Many ad agencies would be more of the Done For You approach, where they handle the ads, or if it's a house buying service, then they're going to go out and find a house for you to buy and you just buy it.
A Done For You offer tends to be very time intensive for you, so you're going to need to learn to either delegate some of those tasks to other people, or you're going to be using a lot of your physical time to be fulfilling for clients.
So there's pros and cons with the Done For You side.
Jordo's favorite irresistable offer?
Drum roll please...
You could probably tell my favorite type of business model and irresistible offer, is a Done With You Offer.
Primarily because it combines the very best of DIY and DFY, so Do It Yourself and Done for You combined gets people the absolute best results with incredible scale.
real world example
I had a client who had a course and it was about a $1,000 and they would just sell that nonstop.
The courses can be great and people can have that for a long time, but you find that the results are actually very low. You'll have higher charge back and refund rates because people get overwhelmed and they don't feel like they have help.
You have to have some type of a support ticket system .
They've also dabbled in the Done For You, which is that they would build everything for them, but that was super, super time intensive on their side to have to fulfill that.
So I combined for them, the two worlds of Do It Yourself and Done For You to make a Done With You Program.
So now that program consists of a course that the people go through on an individual weekly basis.
Then the Done For You aspect, they actually plug in some pieces where they get them off to a fast start, they get them moving, set up with systems and some automation and then there's the accountability along the way inside a group, Facebook.
Now, why is this so powerful?
A Done With You offer can be extremely irresistible to people because they know that they can go at their own pace, they can learn the information in their own time, and they have someone there to help them and coach them through whenever they need that.
wrap up
Let me know what is your current offer?
What is the current business model that you have and what changes can you make to your program to increase the price and to set yourself free by creating a Done With You offer that combines the best of these two worlds?
If you guys have any questions on this, throw them down in the comments down below or jump into our DropFunnels Community Facebook group.
We'd love to answer any of your questions there on how to craft your irresistible offer.